共轭环填料萃取塔的传质性能研究* 黄 洪 邓淑华** 杨卓如 陈焕钦 摘 要 在φ120的不锈钢填料塔中,以φ16共轭环塔填料为研究对象,分别选用正丁醇-丁二酸-水和30%TBP(磷酸三丁酯)的煤油-醋酸-水2种不同界面张力的体系进行试验,测定了该填料在不同两相流速下的表观传质单元高度,和相同条件下测定的同尺寸鲍尔环、拉西环和θ环作了比较,θ环的表观传质单元高度(Hoxp)比共轭环小,但共轭环的(Hoxp)分别比鲍尔环小16%, 比拉西环小25%.本文对影响传质性能的因素也进行了分析. 关键词 塔填料; 传质性能; 传质单元高度 中图资料分类号 TQ028.32 STUDY ON MASSTRANSFER PERFORMANCE OF EXTRACTION COLUMN PACKED WITH CONJUGATE RING HuangHong Deng Shuhua YangZhuoru Chen Huanqin (Res. Inst. of Chemical Eng., South China Univ. of Tech.,Guangzhou 510640) Abstract Ina 120mm extraction column, two different extractionsystems, butanol-succinic-water and 30%(TBP) kerosene-aceticacid-water are chosen to examine the mass transfer performanceof φ16 conjugate ring under various continuous phase and disperse phase velocities, and compared with that of same size rashing ring, pall ring and θ ring under the same conditions. Results show that Hoxp (height of mass transfer unit based on plug flow and continuous flow) of conjugate ring is bigger than that of θ ring, but less than that of pall ring and rashing ring at a rate of 16% and 25% respectively. Factors of affecting mass transfer were discussed. Key words tower packing; mass transfer performance; height of mass transfer unit 拉西环、鲍尔环是两种传统的塔填料,在精馏、萃取等化工过程中都有应用,θ环是一种传质效率较高的塔填料,共轭环[1]填料是华南理工大学研制的一种高效散堆填料,在汽-液传质过程中它与拉西环、鲍尔环相比,具有通量大、阻力小、传质效率高等优点,和θ环相比具有阻力小的优点,已在精馏和吸收过程中得到广泛应用,但在萃取过程中还未得到应用,主要由于缺少液-液传质过程中的两相流动和传质数据. |